Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Welcome to Nick's Domination TV

Welcome to Nick's Domination TV!!! Well, actually, It's not TV, but it's close.We'll be posting some great videos and pictures of my action figures and video games.

Let me tell you a bit about my action figure, TV, movie, and video game opinions. I love Star Wars, so all of my favorite stuff includes jedi, clones, and more.

My favorite of the Star Wars movies is Episode III- Revenge of the Sith. I love the whole rescue operation in the beginning, but my favorite part is the Order 66 part in the end. Who knew Palpatine was a traitor? Well, actually, I knew.

My favorite action figure I own is my custom Mixer figure, shown below.

Mixer comes from the "Voyage of Temptation" episode from Lucasarts and CartoonNetwork's "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" season 2. They haven't released Mixer oficially as a figure yet, so I made him by myself with a Sharpie, and a blank clone figure.

Speaking of Clone Wars, my favorite episode from the series is probably "Landing at Point Rain". That's the episode when the Grand Army of the republic, along with 4 jedi generals, and 2 of their padawans, land on Geonosis. Their were many twists in that one, so I think it's my favorite of them all.

My favorite Star Wars videogame is Star Wars Battlefront II. I love all the different planets, and I especially enjoy fighting as a Clone Trooper on Tantive IV. My favorite weapon to use on all the planets is a clone sniper rifle.

I'll be uploading a comment post on every new episode of the Clone Wars a day or two after they premiere. They'll include a description, investigations on characters, plus my personal opinion.